Unbelievable Twin Flame break ups sometimes occur because the empathic, over giving, ill advised Twin Flame Goddess is not familiar with how her part of the relationship is to be played out.
She is still playing by some of the Old Outdated RULES and EXPECTATIONS from days gone by.
– of co-dependency
– of feminism, which is not to be mistaken for being a Goddess
– some weird idea that a Man should respect her when she doesn’t even respect herself (and she doesn’t respect the Man either)
– and a whole bunch of other rules that we all grew up with and learned from our parents, grandparents, movies, etc.
These are not serving her new role for 2016 and beyond of
“The Twin Flame Goddess”.
She typically doesn’t really know “How” to love and doesn’t love herself so has very little if any insight in truly loving another.
Her heart is telling her that she wants a Deep Loving Relationship with a wonderful Man but her desperate actions of wanting to jump into relationships and “do” things for a Man and have him “do” things for her is so 3D that the Twin Flame Man might run screaming for his freedom. This is usually how Unbelievable Twin Flame Break Ups happen.
Now it isn’t always the Woman does this and the Man does that but more commonly it is seen this way.
Usually her previous Karmic and Soul Mate relationships have left her ill prepared to be in a loving, harmonious, relationship that is based on Friendship, Unconditional Love, Freedom, Peace, Balance and Equality between Men and Women.
Instead she has developed the traits of suspicion, jealousy, criticizing, self centeredness and at the same time over giving; to the point of exhaustion and frustration; by waiting on the Twin Flame Man and doing domestic “chores” for him such as his laundry and cleaning his house, etc. all with expectations of what he should do in return that have not been communicated to him.
This is usually when Unbelievable Twin Flame Break Ups occur and it usually happens because she gives him an ultimatum or has an emotional outburst. Most men have a hard time handling either of these situations because Men want us Women to be HAPPY.
If a Man feels that he hasn’t made us happy he feels the need to leave, to regroup. Hence the “runner”.
This does not mean the relationship is over as Twin Flames are never over.
Some relationships have lots Twin Flame Break Ups.
Her lack of Self Love has left her with few female friends and not much of a support network around her.
As much as Twin Flame Relationships are a “new” type of 5D relationship the majority of us are still spending the biggest part of our days in the 3D world.
As a Twin Flame Love and Relationship Coach I have many 3D and 5D relationship skills that I can show you.
In my Private Love Coaching Sessions, we customize these skills for your particular situation.
Twin Flames everywhere need to know that Twin Flame Love Relationships can and will play out with Ease and Grace if you let them!!
If you become familiar about what to expect and what not to expect you will be coming from a space and place of knowledge and inner peace instead or frustration and fear.
Yes, they are challenging, yes all of your “stuff” and your “baggage” is going to come up and yes you will have to deal with it.
So know that if you truly want to be with your Twin Flame Love there are certain things that you can do that will make things easier for both of you.
-Start off very slowly.
–Date for a very long time.
–Enjoy every moment.
–Resist the urge to talk to family and friends about your Twin.
-Have a separate set of friends.
-Learn to ENJOY lots of time by yourself.
-Make steady progress on your Spiritual Path.
-Have an immense amount of Compassion for your Twin.
-Develop a Friendship with your Twin Flame.
-Learn Unconditional Love for yourself first, then your God, the Universe or a Higher Power, then your Twin Flame and then all others.
-Give Freedom to your Twin Flame. Resist the urge to ask where the relationship is going, or ask for a commitment, or criticize the relationship or your Twin in any way. Refrain from asking where they have been and what they are doing. Never spy on them or check their phone or read their messages those types of behaviour will lower your Vibrations very quickly.
–Be in the space of Peace about everything to do with your Twin and the relationship. If something is upsetting, seek inside for the change that you want to make. Change the part of you that you feel needs to be “fixed “in them.
-Work on becoming more balanced in your male female energy, your Yin and Yang, the Alpha and Omega.
As an alternative to Private Twin Flame Love Coaching I have made an Energy Clearing Video for Twin Flames.
This is the same powerful Energy Clearing that I use in my Private Sessions.
It’s only $11.11 CAN. even less in US $ BUT worth much more.
You can get yours by CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW.
Blessings of Twin Flame Love for YOU.
I AM Jenifer and YOU are such an Awesome Twin Flame Love.
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©I AM Jenifer 2016 – Feel free to use my article in whole or part with credit to www.mytwinflamelove.com