By raising our confidence, happiness, health and supporting ourselves both physically and emotionally with sizzling self Love, we have raised our Vibration up to the frequency of Twin Flame Love.

We are now able to relate and be felt by our Twin Flame as the God or Goddess that we truly are. We are irresistible to our Twin Flame. We no longer give off the Vibe of needy, clinging, depressed, self centered or un-lovable. Instead our Hearts have filled with Love and Joy. Our Hearts are so full of Love that Love splashes out of us as we go about our day attracting our Twin Flames to us like magnets. We have removed a huge Burden from our relationship that was repelling them and blocking the path to Love and Twin Flame Union with them.

We can now relate to each other from the Twin Flame relationship basis of Friendship, Unconditional Love, Freedom, Peace, Balance and Equality between Men and Women.

I AM so Happy and Grateful that you are here reading my blog.

Please Share the Love and Light on Social Media. Just CLICK on the Icons below. Much Gratitude for You and Blessings of Twin Flame Love!!

I AM Jenifer and You are an Awesome Twin Flame!!


-Line up your Chakras with Dr. Laura Koniver The Intuition Physician on Youtube. This will improve your mood and health quickly.


©I AM Jenifer 2016 – Feel free to use my article in whole or part with credit to