My Twin Flame Love

Your Twin Flame wants your Love. Twin Flames instinctively seek out the Love and approval of each other. Your Twin does this by tuning in to the Vibrations you are holding in your Heart Space. Because your Twin Flame wants your love if they feel the Love Vibration coming from your Heart Space they will return.

Do you sometimes feel that you have messed up your twin flame relationship?

That you have done something unforgivable?

That your Twin will not text you again?

Well I will let you in on a little Secret about Twin Flames.

No matter what you have done your Twin will forgive you and will text you back, if you are holding the Love Vibration in your Heart Space.

Because your Twin Flame wants your love they really can’t stay away from you if you are vibrating in the frequency of Love or higher.

Your Heart in the Love Vibration is a very attractive place for your Twin to come back too.

Your Heart as a Safe Place
Your Heart as a Safe Place

If your Twin Flame feels that you are holding love in your Heart Space for them they will be magnetically drawn back to you.

But if you have been putting negative feelings like doubt, jealousy, envy, self centeredness, bitterness, anger, etc. in your Heart Space they will pick up on that and back off or won’t text you back or run away.

If your twin is backing off it could be because you have these types of negative feelings towards them and you may not even realize it!

If Your Twin has run away and is not texting, I know it can feel heartbreaking.

But consider this….  

broken heart
broken heart

The feelings that you hold in your Heart Space, and the way that You feel towards them determines the WHEN of them texting you back, being in your life and having a more harmonious relationship.

So, take this knowledge and use it as the reason to rise above your Heart Break.

If you are having a difficult time breaking away from the negative feelings make a long list of what you love about your Twin Flame.

If you find it difficult to make this list, you may want to consider seeking help from me. I have the ability to help you raise your vibration and clear blocks that you have towards your Twin.

You can find out more about having a session with me here

The moment you realized that it’s not about IF they text you back, its only about WHEN, your Love Relationship with yourself and your Twin will change for the better!!!!

Of course, this all depends on if they are your Twin or not.

If you think they might be your Twin Flame, but you are not quite sure, take the Quiz in my Free E-book.

Answer 3 Questions and you can join my Facebook Group below for Free.

Blessings of Twin Flame Love for all.

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