Current Events on the Planet are making it more difficult for the Twin Flame “Runner” or the less Spiritually evolved Twin Flame to stay in the Relationship. If you are currently dealing with a Runner or Your Twin Flame LOVE is just putting distance between you BEWARE of jumping to the conclusion of “they don’t want me “. This only promotes separation. Remember what ever you are thinking or feeling they are picking up on. If you are finding it painful being apart here are a few ways to FIX it.
Lower your Expectations by offering them Freedom. Especially in the Twin Flame LOVE Relationship it is not written in stone anywhere that you are supposed to be having an old outdated 3D .. 24/7 .. relationship.
Give them these 3 gifts that are sure to bring them back.
1. The Gift of Space.
If our Twin Flame or anyone else is feeling overwhelm it can make them feel like they are drowning … they do not need us to save them as they need to save themselves.. in fact if we contact them at this time it can make them feel like we are holding them down in the water, drowning them some more. Leave them alone.
By leaving them alone we are giving them another Gift.
2.The Gift of Missing You.
Yes this will take longer than 10 minutes,. .LOL .. In the mean time work on your own Spiritual Growth. This is the fastest way to heal yourself and them. When they are ready they will be back. You will know they are back when they ask “How are You?”.
While you are giving them the Gift of Missing You … be sure to work on Your own Unconditional Self Love so that you are able to give them the 3rd gift.
3.The Gift of Filling up Your own Love Tanks so they don’t have too.
Imagine it like this, You have holes in your Love Tanks (Heart) the only Love that can patch those holes is the Love you have for yourself. If you do not Love yourself first, you are putting an unbearable BURDEN on your Lover…because no matter how much Love they put in your Love Tanks (Heart) it just keeps leaking out !! So lessen their burden and Love yourself Unconditionally first and foremost there by plugging the holes in your Heart. The more you Love yourself the easier it is for them to Love you and to feel the Love you have for them.
I AM Jenifer and You are the Twin Flame Love of Your Twin Flame Love.
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